Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Opportunity or Imperative to Change

Cloe Logan, writing for the National Observer, analyses a new report assessing climate risks across Nova Scotia from the provincial Department of Environment and Climate Change, entitled, Weathering What’s Ahead: Climate Change Risk and Nova Scotia’s Well-being

Will Balser, coastal adaptation co-ordinator at Ecology Action Centre in Halifax, notes that there are some important risks acknowledged in the report. He stresses the important next step of seeing how the province plans to address those risks.

Timothy Halman, minister of environment and climate change, said the report shows the vulnerability of the area, setting the groundwork for action. “Together, we have an opportunity to make positive change and work to protect each other and all that we value,"

Will Balser said the minister’s sentiment should go further. “I see it as if he's talking about an opportunity to make a positive gain. Rather, I see it as more of an imperative to change, rather than just an opportunity,” he said. (Logan & Ottenhof, 2022)

Opportunity or Imperative

The report identifies top climate concerns for Nova Scotia.

Top Climate Concerns NS

The province’s climate plan, expected on Dec 7 2022, needs to clarify the already stated objectives:

Clarify Objectives

The province needs to

The report notes that “using oil, coal, and natural gas to heat homes, generate electricity, and fuel vehicles” contributes to climate change and will worsen climate impacts. As of now, over half of the electricity generation in Nova Scotia comes from coal. (Logan & Ottenhof, 2022)

Electricity needs in Canada

The Department of Environment and Climate Change has produced this report as a resource for all levels of government to set priorities, business to alter practices and plans, and people to use in conversations that will direct our collaboration with the measures necessary to weather what is ahead.


Logan, C., & Ottenhof, L. (2022, December 5). Sea levels in Nova Scotia set to rise by a metre this century. National Observer. Retrieved December 6, 2022, from https://www.nationalobserver.com/2022/12/05/news/sea-levels-nova-scotia-rise-metre-century 

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