Tuesday, August 24, 2021

An Emergency Response is Needed

The latest report from the IPCC indicates that imminent action to address the climate crisis will be required by the Canadian government after the September 2021 election. Seth Klein, an adjunct professor with Simon Fraser University’s urban studies program and the former BC director of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, reviews his markers to know some signs one would expect to see when a government shifts to a wartime footing to attack the climate crisis


  (His book A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency (ECW Press) was published in September 2020.)


So here we sit, facing down the climate emergency, with a B.C. government climate plan that is zero for four when it comes to a convincing emergency response. There are things this provincial government is doing with respect to social and economic justice, housing and homelessness, and tax fairness for which I am grateful. The advancements with respect to child care are especially noteworthy. But the future of those children is now under threat. Decisive action is needed to protect them, as well as other vulnerable populations who are more likely to experience the worst ravages of the climate crisis. The Horgan government needs to hear a resounding wake-up call: Reboot your climate plan and transform it into a real emergency plan. Invite us to join in a grand societal undertaking, one that leaves no one behind and banishes unemployment as we undertake this task of our lives.1

1. Adopt an emergency mindset.

2. Shift from voluntary measures to mandatory policies. 

3. Rally the public at every turn.

4. Create the economic institutions needed to get the job done. 

5. Spend what it takes to win.

6. Stop trying to appease those who seek to block necessary action.1


The Climate Emergency Unit believe it is time for Canada to enter true #ClimateEmergency mode. They have produced a new video ( https://youtu.be/XUJw5cLyfEk ) to show what that would look like.

We all know that climate change is real and we need to dramatically reduce our greenhouse gases as soon as possible, but Canada's emissions have only stagnated since the world agreed to work together on this climate emergency. Using these lessons from WW2, we can envision what true climate action looks like.2


Our ballot box decision will be influenced by the need for the next government to act forcefully in the war against the GHG emissions increasing the temperature of the planet.




(2021, July 19). BC is in a state of climate emergency with no emergency plan. Retrieved August 24, 2021, from https://www.nationalobserver.com/2021/07/19/opinion/bc-climate-emergency-no-plan 


(2021, June 23). 4 Hopeful Lessons from WW2 to Confront Climate Change - YouTube. Retrieved August 24, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUJw5cLyfEk 

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