Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Canada and GHG from exported fuel

Fraser Thomson, a lawyer at Ecojustice whose work mainly focuses on the impact of fossil fuel operations on communities and the environment, offers an opinion, in the National Observer,
Red: emissions from exports: Blue: Domestic Canadian emissions


New data from Environment Canada, secured by Ecojustice, reveals just how rapidly Canada’s exported emissions are increasing. Canada has stabilized its emissions at home, it is also exporting more emissions than ever before. Between 2012 and 2019, Canada’s exported emissions from the sale of oil, gas and coal increased an alarming 46.43 per cent.

In 2019, Canada’s domestic emissions were 730 megatonnes (Mt) of CO2, while emissions from exported fossil fuels were 954 Mt. Cumulatively, in 2019, Canada’s total emissions were 1,684 Mt — more than the domestic emissions of the U.K. and Japan combined.1 

What is the responsibility of Canadian companies for the GHG emissions in the products they export?

1. (2021, July 27). To avoid climate catastrophe, Canada must account for its hidden .... Retrieved July 27, 2021, from https://www.nationalobserver.com/2021/07/27/opinion/canada-hidden-fossil-fuel-emissions-avoid-climate-catastrophe

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