Teachers, employers, advertisers, and others often deal with the psychological phenomena that people are creatures of habit. Often our present actions are a reliable predictor of our future actions.
Source: https://i.cbc.ca/1.4099945.1493927308!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_620/liberal-leader-stephen-mcneil.jpg |
McNeil acknowledges doctors weren't consulted enough in health-care overhaul.
While much of that change has been well received, McNeil said it's been made clear to him by doctors and the organization that represents them — Doctors Nova Scotia — they've felt left out of the overhaul process.
"I've made it clear that on a go-forward basis that we would continue to make sure that they're a big part of the decision-making process."
It appears that Premier McNeil bravely asserts that he is not a creature of habit. The future decision making process will include the doctors.
I fear that soon we might have a news story on education reform that reads:
While much of that change has been well received, McNeil said it's been made clear to him by teachers and the organization that represents them — NSTU— they've felt left out of the overhaul process.
Connections can be shown between the Glaze Report and the ideology of neo-liberal education. In the neo-liberal business model of education there are winners and losers as competition for resources is seen as a strength of this economic philosophy.
Fig 1. NEA Quality Education vs Neo-Liberal Education
Who are the winners when doctors are left out of making changes in the healthcare system and teachers are ignored when making reforms of the education system?
Unfortunately, the application of neo-liberal economics has coincided with the poor getting poorer while the rich have gotten richer. The winners in application of neo-liberal business models to health and education are those who can afford private health services and private schools. Savvy politicians learn after decades in politics that you should hang with the winners.
Fig 2. The beneficiaries of the business model