Friday, February 16, 2018

How much from each column

The Glaze Report on Education in Nova Scotia has created division between the teachers and the politicians about how the education system should be organized and some debate about the benefits of the Glaze Report model versus the status quo.
Business Model for Health and Education

This article looks at connections between the proposed reforms and ideas from the market focused advocates of a business approach to education and links to the National Education Association list of essential skills for students in the 21st century. The NEA has used professional methods to establish the 4C’s of 21st Century education. The Nova Scotia Education Minister has been recorded in recent CBC interviews referring to principals as similar to business managers and the people who work in the schools as a workforce. This and the details of a policy in a business oriented school make comparison to the neo-liberal movement in education appropriate.

Column AColumn B
NEA 4C's for EducationGlaze Report for Nova ScotiaNeo Liberal Education
critical thinkingSchool choice and competition
communicationschools to worry more about student test performance than about the school learning and well being environment
collaborationhigh stakes testing –creating commodities out of smart kids and relegating others to a ‘take a sick day on testing’ status,
creativityperformance pay for teachers
turning school quality into an international productivity competition
Table 1. Some from Column A and Column B

(n.d.). NEA - An Educator's Guide to the “Four Cs”. Retrieved February 16, 2018, from

(2013, May 22). What have schools got to do with neo-liberalism? – Combatting .... Retrieved February 16, 2018, from

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