Saturday, November 19, 2022

Both True at COP27

Mia Rabson, reporting for the Globe and Mail, writes that Canada won’t back the call at COP27 to ‘phase down’ oil and gas production.

Two directions?

“Everything we do is challenged in the court,” he said. “[Carbon] pricing was challenged, our plastic pollution regulations were challenged, our environmental impact assessment is being challenged – either by provinces or companies, or both. And if we’re not on very solid legal ground, we will lose in front of the tribunals and that doesn’t help anyone.”

Guilbeault said Canada hasn’t been challenged over plans to phase out coal, but is on almost everything it does on the oil and gas side.

“We have to be super careful in terms of what we do that what we do will hold in court,” he said. “Otherwise we’re wasting time, and precious time, to fight climate change.”

Julia Levin, national climate program manager for Environmental Defence, called that a disappointing excuse.

“I’d say it’s clear that the government of Canada is beholden to fossil fuel lobbyists and putting their interests ahead of public welfare,” said Levin.

She added that Canada’s position is strange, considering the agreement would likely have included the same abatement provision as coal. While Levin doesn’t back carbon capture and storage as a serious solution to cutting emissions, she said even that would be “a clear signal that, according to the U.S. and others, the age of oil and gas is over.”

The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, meanwhile, said getting lower-emission oil and natural gas to international markets is paramount for its members. (Rabson, 2022)

Perhaps the concern of the Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault and the goal of Julia Levin, national climate program manager for Environmental Defence, both reflect progress in dealing with the climate emergency.


Rabson, M. (2022, November 18). Canada won't back call at COP27 to 'phase down' oil and gas production. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from 

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