Thursday, November 3, 2022

Emergency Housing Need

The tent communities that have sprung up in HRM are not adequate housing solutions for people at any time of year. As winter approaches, we will need to protect homeless people from increased harm and suffering.

Tent Housing in November

In the next few years, construction of additional housing is essential to address this emergency situation. Michael Gormann, CBC News, reports that Premier Houston is saying that building more housing is key. Opposition leaders in Nova Scotia say the focus should be on affordable units.

More housing would lead to a change in demand, he said, which would mean more options for people in need.

"It's just simple math," said Houston.

"When you have people looking for homes, you build homes. People fill them and that fills them across the spectrum."

"But at some point in time, if we can build enough housing there will be housing for everyone across the whole spectrum."(Gorman, 2022)

A “Non-capitalist Solution to the Housing Crisis” is advocated in this YouTube presentation that may be an alternative to the “trickle down” logic of increasing the supply of for-profit housing thereby creating openings for rentals that are affordable.

Nova Scotia housing minister, John Lohr, appeared to expand the possibilities for government support for housing.

Lohr told reporters that it's the view of the government that it can get more bang for its buck, particularly in the midst of a labour shortage that's already straining construction capacity, if money is directed instead toward supporting co-operative housing projects and projects spearheaded by non-profit agencies. (Gorman, 2022)

It is likely that people will continue to suffer too long with homelessness if we are to rely on development of deeply affordable housing as a consequence of increasing the supply of housing “across the spectrum.”

New Apartments not likely for the people in tents

“Not for profit” housing development can address the need through emergency government funding now and continued affordability in premises that are not subject to “what the market will bear” rent.


Gorman, M. (2022, November 3). Opposition calls on N.S. government to build more affordable housing. CBC. Retrieved November 3, 2022, from 

The Non-capitalist Solution to the Housing Crisis. (2022, November 1). YouTube. Retrieved November 3, 2022, from 

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