Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Green Solutions in this new decade

Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood asks what does a Green New Deal look like?
Four pieces of the Green New Deal

The climate crisis requires rapid replacement of fossil fuels by cleaner energy sources.The inequality crisis requires massive redistribution of income and wealth and political power. The New Deal requires genuine reconciliation with Indigenous people. It requires good jobs, vibrant communities and widespread social and economic wellbeing.
 The details matter, of course, and there are many questions that GND advocates have yet to think through or agree on. For example, how can we produce enough electricity to rapidly replace all fossil fuels if we preclude new, large-scale hydro and nuclear projects in our communities? Where will we mine the environmentally-harmful resources necessary to produce lower-emission technologies? Will new, green jobs be good, unionized jobs that are accessible in the places where jobs are needed most?1

We hope the 2020s will be the decade where we get serious about the climate and inequality solutions.

1(2020, January 6). The 2020s will be the decade of the Green New Deal - Behind .... Retrieved January 8, 2020, from

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