Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Canada declares Climate Emergency

The motions of governing parties about climate action have an effect in raising the profile and perhaps the anxiety around this issue.
Coastal erosion and flooding

Hannah Jackson, of Global News, reports the House of Commons passed a motion to declare a national climate emergency in Canada on Monday June 16. The motion was put forward by Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna, and it passed with 186 votes to 63. It declares a national climate emergency, and supports the country’s commitment to meeting the emissions targets outlined in the Paris Agreement.
 “The science shows that Canada is warming at twice the global average and that we need to meet our international obligations,” she wrote.
“That’s why I’m voting for the motion and that’s why Canada’s already taking action.”1
Jolson Lim, of ipolitics, reports that Conservative leader Andrew Scheer opposes the Liberal motion on declaring ‘climate emergency’. Scheer told CTV’s Question Period a year ago that the Conservatives’ climate plan would “of course” meeting the 2030 Paris targets, but told the same show in December that his plan would have “meaningful reductions.”

Scheer also accused the Liberals today of wasting precious time in the House, with less than five sitting weeks left for Parliament, in order to score political points.
“We’re in the dying days of a scandal-plagued Liberal government and they’re using precious House time on a symbolic gesture rather than taking real action,” he said, who added that it serves as a distraction from recent controversies such as the SNC-Lavalin and Mark Norman affairs.2 

Clinical psychologist and climate emergency campaigner, Jane Morton, has created a 24-page booklet and a 45-minute presentation on the topic of how we get more people to listen and take action on climate issues.

When an emergency situation confronts a nation, our ability to work together and pursue common ground efficiently is crucial to address the threat.


(2019, June 18). National climate emergency declared by House of ... - Global News. Retrieved June 18, 2019, from https://globalnews.ca/news/5401586/canada-national-climate-emergency/
(2019, May 15). Scheer to oppose Liberal motion on declaring 'climate emergency .... Retrieved June 18, 2019, from https://ipolitics.ca/2019/05/15/scheer-to-oppose-liberal-motion-on-declaring-climate-emergency/
(n.d.). Climate Emergency Declaration - Call to declare a climate emergency. Retrieved June 18, 2019, from https://climateemergencydeclaration.org/

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