Monday, May 27, 2019

Discerning Benefits for all in Culture Wars

Recently, I have been troubled by “we” versus “them” divisions marking the declining

discourse in politics, care of the planet, culture wars, poverty, inequality, and religion.
The action and reaction around the new anti-abortion legislation in the United States coincided with some research I was doing into the ethics included in Pope Francis encyclicalLaudato Si”, Care of Our Common Home1
and the process attributed to the "Who Am I to Judge” Pontiff for reconciling viewpoints of “liberal” and “conservative” factions within the Church of Rome.
 This process has been described as discernment, gradualness, and mercy.2
When the process favoured by the Pope is combined with a recollection of the long standing efforts within Catholic Social Teaching to live a Consistent Ethic of Life there may be a format that can improve discourse in the Cultural Wars on life issues.

Nicholas Austin SJ on 'Discernment charged with merciful love’ Pope Francis’
A process for dialogue

Linda Donovan, Campus Minister at Duquesne University, is a contact for the Consistent Ethic of Life (CEL) student group that meets weekly to discuss important life and human dignity issues. In educating themselves on all sides of an issue, the group is able to make informed decisions and take responsible action.
CEL for discussion

This action they take can be in the form of volunteering with organizations in the area, educating the campus community, or advocating for an issue that supports human dignity.

The Duquesne University CEL student group addresses issues of...Stem cell research
Capital Punishment
Children's Issues
Human Trafficking 3 

The Consistent Ethic of Life challenge is to use our ethical understanding to discern the benefits for the future that are likely to be the result of decisions we make in the present. An example from the climate emergency situation is the decision to reduce greenhouse gas today will bring the benefit of a cooler average earth temperature in the future.
Benefits of Action

Each of the topics discussed by the Duquesne students (and more) may be tested by discerning and reporting likely benefits of our decision. “We” and “They” divisions may be reduced when the dualism is replaced by mutual affirmation of some of the benefits that are uncovered. The culture war “top three” areas of conflict are illustrated below.

The decision in the present about abortion will bring benefits in future. Discern these benefits and present them for discussion.
Discern future benefits of decision

Capital punishment is a decision that we most likely requires us to act through the political system to achieve the benefits we discern for the future as a result of our advocacy today.
Discern benefits of political advocacy

Medical assistance in dying (MAID) may be a decision we make concerning our death or that of a loved one. The future benefits of this decision are psychological, physiological, cultural, and often influenced by erroneous understanding of religious expectations.
Discern final benefits

The opportunity for more common ground than difference in the Culture Wars may lead to replacement of dualistic confrontation with mutual appreciation and understanding.


(2016, October 4). The consistent ethic of life under Pope Francis - Crux Now. Retrieved May 24, 2019, from
(2016, April 8). 'Discernment charged with merciful love': Pope Francis' Amoris Laetitia .... Retrieved May 24, 2019, from
(n.d.). Consistent Ethic of Life | Duquesne University. Retrieved May 27, 2019, from

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