Friday, May 24, 2019

Abstract of Legal safe and rare

I was born prematurely and I was born a twin. Unfortunately, my twin did not survive. I often consider that my twin gave me my life.
Help in need

Richard Rohr and the Center for Action and Contemplation is where faculty member Cynthia Bourgeault writes about an ancient tradition called “wisdom,” sometimes known as sophia perennis. Transformation from a judgmental and dualistic worldview into a nondual acceptingness is a path that offers hope for reconciliation between people who view life issues from different perspectives. Pope Francis remarks in a press conference in 2013, when he asked: "Who am I to judge?" explores the universal theme of mercy. Nicholas Austin SJ writes that Pope Francis’ discernment, gradualness and mercy offers a practice, a principle and a virtue. Discernment of the work of Pope Francis in the encyclical “Laudato Si, Care of our Common Home” brings the theme of a Consistent Ethic of Life (CEL) to the forefront. Charles C. Camosy, a CRUX contributor, reminds us that secular conservatives and progressives have alternatively praised or decried Pope Francis as a liberal. “As I love you” ( ) is a curation of reflections inspired by having love that gives up life for the other. The greatest gift from God is freedom to choose love. The freedom to choose love for the other and give life for the benefit of the other may be the active motivation in experiencing war and terror attacks, accepting the death penalty, struggling with abortion, and yielding our final time near death for the benefit of others. Lainey Newman comments on the Bill Clinton position on abortion Safe, Legal, and Rare. John Gehring admits to long suffering from what might be called abortion-politics fatigue, Cognitive dissonance plagues good people who are besieged by dualistic, “them” and “us” discord in the culture wars. We continue to gradually grow reducing ego and increasing selflessness in the freedom to choose to give life to others as we are transformed to be the virtues we embrace. (Link to longer article)


(2019, May 15). Liberalism is constantly under siege but always comes out ... - Retrieved May 24, 2019, from
(2016, April 8). 'Discernment charged with merciful love': Pope Francis' Amoris Laetitia .... Retrieved May 24, 2019, from
(2019, May 23). Farther than Ever from Common Ground? | Commonweal Magazine. Retrieved May 24, 2019, from
(2018, January 11). Safe, Legal, and Rare: The Democrats' Evolving Stance on Abortion .... Retrieved May 24, 2019, from
(2016, October 4). The consistent ethic of life under Pope Francis - Crux Now. Retrieved May 24, 2019, from
(2019, May 24). Where do abortion rights in Canada stand today? | CBC Radio - Retrieved May 24, 2019, from

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