Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Goldboro Risk or Reality?

 Articles in the energy press point to some uncertainty in the plans of the German utility company Uniper to develop an LNG terminal to receive natural gas from the LNG facility planned by Pieridae Energy Limited for Goldboro Nova Scotia.


Reuters has reported that Canadian energy company Pieridae Energy Ltd continues to work toward making a final investment decision (FID) by June 30 to build its proposed Goldboro liquefied natural gas (LNG) export plant in Nova Scotia.

Pieridae has a 20-year agreement to sell all the LNG from Goldboro’s first liquefaction train - about 5 millions tonnes per annum (MTPA) or 0.66 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas - to German utility Uniper SE.1

Evaluate Energy reports that Uniper plans to make Wilhelmshaven a hub for climate friendly hydrogen. Originally, Uniper explored the idea of constructing a floating import terminal for liquefied natural gas (LNG) at the Wilhelmshaven site.


In October 2020, a market test to show binding interest proved that there is currently not enough interest in the LNG sector in terms of booking large, long-term capacities for LNG regasification in Germany.2

The risk of government money from Nova Scotia or Canada in this development requires serious consideration of a dream of short term construction jobs being shattered by decline in the use of natural gas as the world works to mitigate the climate emergency.



(2021, April 15). Pieridae still plans FID on Nova Scotia LNG export plant by late June. Retrieved May 18, 2021, from https://www.reuters.com/article/pieridae-energy-goldboro-lng/pieridae-still-plans-fid-on-nova-scotia-lng-export-plant-by-late-june-idUSL1N2M82CF 


(n.d.). Search results for "Uniper SE" - Evaluate Energy. Retrieved May 25, 2021, from https://www.evaluateenergy.com/Universal/View.aspx?type=Search&query=Uniper%20SE 

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