Make abortion illegal through criminalization.
Assure that contraception not be covered by health insurance.
Separate families at the border, put children in cages apart from their parents, and instill the fear that family members may simply be “disappeared” by the U.S. government when they cross the border.
Increase access to guns of all kinds and do nothing about mass shootings, adopting the NRA’s policy of “the more guns, and the more destructive guns, the better.”
Deny people with pre-existing conditions access to affordable health care, and maintain quality health care as a privilege for the rich.
Deny climate change, oppose renewable energy, and support fossil fuels, gas guzzling cars, and the de-protection of public wilderness and indigenous lands through a “drill, baby, drill” philosophy.
Be unconcerned about facts unless they back up your political agenda, and create “alternative facts” whenever necessary.
Make it harder for minorities to vote by alarming white people about voter fraud, an infinitesimal problem which Republicans exaggerate, while simultaneously supporting voter suppression.
Oppose equal rights for LGBTQ citizens, and protect the right of straight religious people to discriminate as desired against LGBTQ citizens.
Provide advantages for Christians and Jews, and disadvantages for Muslims and other religious minorities.
Promise to reduce the national debt while actually increasing it through massive tax breaks for the super-rich, and through massive military spending and military intervention.
Reduce social services needed by the poorest among us, including public transportation, public health services, childcare support, parental leave, etc., putting poor and vulnerable people in ever-greater risk, so tax breaks may be given to the rich.
Oppose sex education in schools.
Support the death penalty.
Support militarization and a new nuclear weapons race.
Minimize the value of higher education, keep it as expensive as necessary so that only the privileged can access it easily, and do as little as possible about student loan debt.
Support mass incarceration, the “war on drugs,” privatization of prisons, and other policies that discriminate against people of color.
Increase corporate profits for the rich by weakening labor unions, putting workers in a position of increasing insecurity.
Reduce public protections from mega-corporate misconduct, especially environmental protections, disproportionately hurting the poor and people of color as well as the planet.
Provide huge tax breaks for the richest of the rich, claiming that their increased wealth will “trickle down,” even though it doesn’t.
Shift funding from public schools to private schools, especially conservative Christian ones, again hurting poor and minority families the most.
Underpay teachers, first responders, health care workers, and childcare workers, and oppose all efforts to address the minimum wage.
Refuse to address systemic racism, or even admit it exists, and be more concerned about Colin Kaepernick kneeling as an act of peaceful protest during the national anthem than a police officer kneeling on a black man’s neck or shooting a black man in the back seven times.
Assist Israel in dispossessing Palestinians, and discount the civil and human rights of Palestinians, calling any critique of the nation of Israel an act of anti-Semitism.
Create widespread fear of immigrants, especially Mexican and Muslim immigrants, and actively or tacitly support acts of racist hate against minorities.
Stop accepting refugees.
See federal government (except the military) as the problem, and reduce government to a size where it can do little beyond fighting wars, leaving us vulnerable to pandemics, foreign interference in our democracy, and other dangers.1