Sunday, July 21, 2019

Critical questions in climate politics

Clean Energy Canada comments that the political spotlight of an election campaign can be an awkward place for non-partisan policy wonks. But they are committed to doing what they always do: tracking the clean energy transition—in Canada and around the world—while sharing their views and analysis of how Canada can do our part to cut pollution and compete in the growing clean energy economy.
Clean Energy Canada asks

 As the final sitting of this parliament draws to a close, the issue of climate change—now declared a climate emergency—has been getting a lot of attention. And with good reason. We needn’t even look beyond our borders to see that emergency is the right word to describe climate change. Two record-breaking years for wildfires—and already a bad start to 2019. Once-in-a-century floods that are no longer once in a century. Deadly heatwaves.1
Megan Ogilvie, staff reporter at the Star notes that In Canada, each successive federal government has claimed to have the best climate emergency solution. Heading into the October federal election, each political party insists they have the best plan to tackle climate change. Federal candidates will soon take to TV, social media and the streets to make a case for their party’s political agenda. And all signs point to climate change being a top talking point.
To help you decipher whether your riding’s federal candidates are up to the task, the Star checked in with four Canadians for whom climate change is constantly front of mind. Here, they highlight what any politician must know about our warming climate — and provide examples of when a politician is skating over the scientific truth.2 

Fossil fuel concerns
Health concerns
  What any politician must know about our warming climate...

Critical Questions

Transition minded flags

Health and economy flags

While once abstract to people, climate change has become part of our day-to-day lives over the last decade, and here in Canada, where we’re warming twice as fast as the global average, we are on the front lines.


(2019, June 19). Anybody can have a climate plan, but what makes for an effective one .... Retrieved June 21, 2019, from 
(2019, July 12). What you can do about climate change now | The Star. Retrieved July 21, 2019, from 

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