Tuesday, April 2, 2019

More attention to serious climate and indigenous reconciliation issues

Rex Murphy offers the opinion that the Liberals are burning down their house with the evasions and high-handedness of their mismanagement of the Jody Wilson-Raybould crisis.
Who will work on the issues?
 Mr. Trudeau is week by week shedding one by one each of the shiny, progressive halos — supporter of women, Indigenous friend, open government, doing politics differently, shutting down the old boys’ club — he has polished so assiduously since entering federal politics.1
A town hall hosted by Environment Minister Catherine McKenna was targeted for attention by Ottawa climate change activists.
Kady O'Malley reports on ipolitics that Climate Justice Ottawa is hoping to bring “hundreds of residents of Ottawa Centre” to a public town hall hosted by local Liberal MP Catherine McKenna, who is, of course, also environment minister — an event that, as per the advisory, the organizers see as an “opportunity to draw attention to the Liberal government’s poor track record on climate change and Indigenous rights.”2  
The Environment Commissioner Julie Gelfand reports that Canada’s failure to fight climate change is disturbing.

She says neither Conservative nor Liberal governments have met their own targets to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, and Canada is not on track to hit its 2030 target, despite policies like the new national price on carbon.
Gelfand's audit today says the Liberals are not keeping a promise to get rid of inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies, which are undermining efforts to combat climate change, encouraging wasteful consumption of fossil fuels and discouraging investments in cleaner energy sources.3 

The serious issues confronting Canada call for (1) climate change leadership, (2) indigenous reconciliation, and (3) investment in jobs to transform our energy and transportation infrastructure.


(2019, March 22). Rex Murphy: The Liberals are now at the edge of a cliff | National Post. Retrieved March 26, 2019, from https://nationalpost.com/opinion/rex-murphy-the-liberals-are-now-at-the-edge-of-a-cliff
(2019, March 28). Ottawa climate change activists target town hall hosted by ... - iPolitics. Retrieved March 28, 2019, from https://ipolitics.ca/2019/03/28/ottawa-climate-change-activists-target-town-hall-hosted-by-environment-minister-catherine-mckenna/
(2019, April 2). Canada's failure to fight climate change 'disturbing ... - CBC.ca. Retrieved April 2, 2019, from https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/environment-commissioner-julie-gelfand-disturbing-climate-change-1.5081027

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