Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Local concerns about Canada's Changing Climate

Canada's Changing Climate Report said that, on average, Canada is warming at twice the rate of the rest of the world.

Among some of the other findings were:
Northern Canada is warming at more than three times the global average.

Precipitation is expected to increase across the country though summer rainfall may decrease.

Oceans around the country have warmed, becoming more acidic.Warmer water temperatures may render marine animals such as salmon, capelin, and cod increasingly vulnerable to competitors and parasites. Increased sediment in precipitation runoff may also challenge other commercial fish stocks like crab, lobster, salmon and other fin fish.

The warming climate will make extreme hot temperatures more frequent and more intense.

The call to action from the IPCC has two components that will produce significant greenhouse gas reduction. (1) Stop using coal to generate electricity. (2) Stop using gas and diesel for transportation. The transformation of the energy and transportation infrastructure will create many jobs for engineer, technologists, technicians, and tradespeople. The investment in the people and technology to mitigate the effects of climate change comes from a price on carbon. The return on this investment will be in the jobs needed to implement the necessary changes.

1 (2019, April 3). 5 lingering questions about newly-released federal government .... Retrieved April 3, 2019, from

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