Monday, May 13, 2024

Colonna report on UNRWA

According to a post from the Guardian, on 22 April 2024, Israel had yet to provide supporting evidence of its claims that employees of the UN relief agency UNRWA are members of terrorist organisations, an independent review led by the former French foreign minister Catherine Colonna has said.

UNRWA as the Gaza death toll soars

Julian Borger writing for the Guardian ends his article on the Colonna report on UNRWA and Hamas with: 

The absence so far of evidence to underpin Israel’s allegations has raised questions about the snap decision by donor countries to cut millions of dollars of funding to UNRWA as the Gaza death toll soared, the health system collapsed and famine began to loom.(Borger, 2024).

The situation remains that Israel still has no proof of UNRWA terrorist claims – but damage to the aid agency is done. The First Casualty post (Friday, February 23, 2024) presents some of the early response to UNRWA and Hamas allegations.


Borger, J. (2024, April 22). Israel has yet to provide evidence of Unrwa staff terrorist links, Colonna report says. The Guardian. Retrieved May 13, 2024, from 

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