Monday, March 13, 2023

Pope Francis 10 years on

An editorial in the National Catholic Reporter comments that looking back from 2023, it is hard even to conjure up the shape of the church at the eve of that conclave in 2013 that elected Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio as “Pope Francis”.

Ten Years Ago

It was a church of secret investigations of theologians. Of unjustified crackdowns on the work of U.S. women religious. Of the atrophy of the vision of the Second Vatican Council, and the comeback of the pre-conciliar Latin Mass. Of bishop after bishop being found to have covered up sexual abuse or misconduct, and being allowed to stay in office.  

It was a church before the call to create a "culture of encounter." Before the vision of a community that is "bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets." Before the declaration of "no concession" to those who would walk back Vatican II reforms. Before prioritizing the "ecological commitments which stem from our convictions." Before mandatory reporting of suspicion of abuse or cover-up, worldwide. (Editorial: Over 10 Years, Pope Francis Has Opened the Church Reform Door. Time to Step Through., 2023)

And Today

After ten years, it is important to reflect on the changes and our response.


Editorial: Over 10 years, Pope Francis has opened the church reform door. Time to step through. (2023, March 13). National Catholic Reporter. Retrieved March 13, 2023, from 

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