Friday, February 3, 2023

CST and Papal Positions

Tony Annett's book Cathonomics explores how Catholic tradition can create a more just economy. The encyclicals published during the papacies of recent decades offer a view of economic activity in relation with the pursuit of the common good.

Better world

The rise of neo-liberal attitudes to economic development in recent decades has created a paradigm that threatens the priority of striving for the common good.

John Paul II incorrect as neo-liberal

John Paul II was concerned about some aspects of market ideology.

JPII concern about markets

Profit seeking, self interest and accumulation in the market were concerns of Pope Benedict.

Benedict's concern about profit seeking

Pope Francis identifies a technocratic paradigm that cannibalizes economic and political life.

Pope Francis identifies a technocratic paradigm

From 1978 to 2023, encyclical publications from the Vatican have presented the case for concern about the effect on the common good of the dominant economic policies of our time.


Annett, A. M. (2022). Cathonomics: How Catholic Tradition Can Create a More Just Economy. Georgetown University Press.

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