Friday, April 29, 2022

Steps to a Renewable Resource Based Economy

Our transition to the low carbon economy in the next decade will require cooperation of government and private sectors and a re-definition of the role of traditional "supply and demand" economics to include the needs of the population and the sustainable use of resources.

Government and Private Sector


Stephen Cohen, an author at State of the Planet at Columbia University, makes the argument that a renewable resource-based economy requires public-private partnership.

Roles in Society

But the private sector can’t do this on its own.

Some of the change we need requires new technology and only government can provide the scale of long-term funding needed for the basic scientific and engineering research needed to develop that technology. We also need to use the tax code to drive investment toward businesses built on renewable resources. We should provide tax credits and deductions to encourage investments in renewable resources. One of the greatest challenges will be to finance the modernization of the electric grid and the decarbonization of power generation. Some of the energy technology under development will enable homeowners to disconnect from the grid. State governments regulate electric utilities and they will need to structure and possibly subsidize electric rates to ensure that power companies remain financially viable during this transition. But in protecting utility capacity, they must not deploy their regulatory power or the clout of their energy utilities to prevent decentralization of energy generation. Additionally, government needs to retain the critical sustainability rules of the road represented by environmental law and regulation. While very few people running a business want to pollute the environment, there are always unscrupulous people who are willing to dump toxins into the river to make a quick buck. Those people and their companies need to be punished and that means we need to retain and improve the rigor of environmental standards. Only government can play the role of an environmental police force. When there is certainty in standards, inspection and enforcement, you can count on the private sector to find new and innovative ways of complying with rules. This is why our economy has grown while America’s air and water improved dramatically over the past half-century. Regulation has not stimulated paralysis, but technological innovation. Cars meet mileage standards, but also provide innovative communications, safety and propulsion features as the engineers hired to meet regulatory standards find ways to improve the overall product.1


Private Sector

long-term funding for scientific and engineering research

very few people running a business want to pollute the environment

tax code to drive investment toward businesses built on renewable resources

find new and innovative ways of complying with rules.

finance the modernization of the electric grid and the decarbonization of power generation

Engineers hired to meet regulatory standards find ways to improve the overall product.

regulate electric utilities and possibly subsidize electric rates to ensure that power companies remain financially viable during this transition.

finance industry to incentivize green finance at a massive, national scale.

retain the critical sustainability rules of the road represented by environmental law and regulation

an efficient, renewable resource-based energy system will cost upfront capital, but in the long run, will be less expensive to run and less vulnerable to disruption than the current system.

the role of an environmental police force

Lower energy costs make businesses more price competitive. 


James B. Quilligan, a political economist and the Managing Director of Economic Democracy Advocates, is a member of Systems Change Alliance’s advisory board and has been an economic advisor to countless heads of state, including Chancellor of Germany, Willy Brandt, and Swedish Prime Minister, Olof Palme. Quilligan asks why is supply and demand, which is widely celebrated as a natural principle of economic balance, unable to manage the thresholds of resources which an environment can sustain?

The threshold of available resources and the allocations of those resources to meet the needs of a population are actually opposing forces which continuously counteract one another. This same dynamic principle exists between every species and its environment: natural organisms react to changes in their ecosystem and make adjustments to survive. Instead of supply creating its own demand, or demand being dependent on a personal income, the demonstration of need creates its own supply and is automatically met. This is how it works in nature and in the biology of the human body; this is also how it must work in human society. The needs of a population for its resource support systems must be given a new empirical basis in policy. This begins with a little reorientation. What is presently on the supply-side as the extraction and production of resources is redefined as the self-organization of resources within the limits of the planet to sustainably regenerate those resources. And what is now on the demand side as a measure of income or purchasing capacity is redefined as the self-sufficiency of people in meeting their needs through their use of these resources.2

Seth Klein, in his book, A Good War, recommends that we embrace economic planning and create the economic institutions needed to get the job done.


During the Second World War, starting from a base of virtually nothing, the Canadian economy and its labour force pumped out planes, military vehicles, ships and armaments at a speed and scale that is simply mind-blowing. Remarkably, the Canadian government (under the leadership of C.D. Howe) established 28 crown corporations to meet the supply and munitions requirements of the war effort.

Government in Action


That is just one example of what the government was prepared to do to transform the Canadian economy to meet wartime production needs. The private sector had a key role to play in that economic transition, but vitally, it was not allowed to determine the allocation of scarce resources.

In a time of emergency, we don’t leave such decisions to the market. Throughout most of the war years, the production and sale of the private automobile, in both Canada and the U.S., was effectively banned; instead those auto factories were operating full tilt to churn out wartime vehicles. Howe’s department undertook detailed economic planning to ensure wartime production was prioritized, conducting a national inventory of wartime supply needs and production capacity and coordinating the supply chains of all core war production inputs (machine tools, rubber, metals, timber, coal, oil and more). The climate emergency demands a similar approach to economic planning. We must again conduct an inventory of conversion needs, determining how many heat pumps, solar arrays, wind farms, electric buses, etc., we will need to electrify virtually everything and end our reliance on fossil fuels. We will need a new generation of crown corporations to then ensure those items are manufactured and deployed at the requisite scale. We will require huge public investments in green and social infrastructure to expedite the transformation of our economy and communities. And as we did in the war, we will need to mobilize labour to get this job done, banishing unemployment in the years to come.3

History from WWII and the inability of traditional “supply and demand” to consider the “externalities” of need and the threshold of available resources require a new cooperation between government and the private sector to get the transition to a low carbon economy done utilizing the skills of scientists, engineers, and economists to plan our journey.





(2020, March 9). A Renewable Resource-Based Economy Requires Public-Private .... Retrieved March 9, 2021, from 


(n.d.). Beyond Supply and Demand: A Revolutionary New Concept of .... Retrieved April 29, 2022, from 


(n.d.). excerpt from - Seth Klein. Retrieved April 29, 2022, from 

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Engineering Climate Change for a just transition

Engineering is a discipline, based on science, that works to achieve realistic outcomes for deploying technology to solve problems within boundaries set by deadlines and economic constraints.

Engineering Discipline and Climate Change

Following the science to the low carbon world is best implemented by engineering professionals.

Professor Susan Krumdieck, a New Zealand engineering academic, is currently Professor and Chair in Energy Transition at Heriot-Watt University, where she leads the academic programme of the Islands Centre for Net Zero. Her research and teaching since 2000 at Canterbury University in New Zealand focused on developing the engineering methods and innovative technologies for adaptation to reduced fossil fuel production and consumption.

Transition Engineering is an emerging field where engineers in all disciplines use a standard methodology to change unsustainable practices through innovating and carrying out “carbon shift projects” that achieve the deep 80% downshift in fossil fuel use, while increasing long-term real values, reliability and wellbeing… There are thousands of carbon shift changes that stop fossil carbon from being extracted and reduce the risk of runaway global warming..1

Six Areas where Transition Engineering can apply established methodology to determine the most suitable path to reduce fossil fuel production and consumption are:



Deep and rapid reduction of emissions requires deep and rapid reduction of fossil fuel extraction and production and engineering analysis to inform international and national policy energy transition to low carbon.



Transport Transition Engineering is paramount for reduction of automobile production, decommissioning of fuel depots and service stations, growth of electric rail, urban trams and coastal shipping, and particularly in innovating ways to adapt for freight logistics and airline travel.



Electric Power Engineering experts will work with Energy Managers, Energy Engineers, and Building Services to develop demand-side participation innovations that marry up the supply and demand. Engineers work with politicians and the public to determine the potential energy supply, costs and power grid stability.



Engineers in coal and gas power generation, fertiliser production and steel production will be honest with politicians and the public about the possibility to engineer the transition to 80% less emissions with Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS), and begin immediately to either install such systems or engineer the transition in some other manner.



Agricultural Transition Engineering to achieve economically effective downshifting of fertiliser use, water consumption, and ruminant stock numbers.



The Transition Engineering ethos of preventing what is preventable leads engineers to work on problems that have not previously been the purview of engineering.


The training and experience of engineers needs to be applied to the transitions required by climate change. In this way, expertise in the deployment of technology according to a plan that calculates the requirements for a just and economically feasible outcome, can result in career opportunities for technologists, technicians, and tradespeople in the low carbon world necessary for our best lives in the coming decades.




1 (2021, June 18). The Role of Engineering in Addressing Climate Change - Panmure .... Retrieved November 20, 2021, from

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Fact Check on EV Posts

Social media posts that pretend to offer true facts about electric vehicles often do not attribute the information they present to credible sources. The initial expense of electric vehicles (EV) needs to be compared to how their ongoing performance compares with internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.

EV or ICE?


  Bill Turpin discusses the energy efficiency and GHG emissions of his typical EV that uses the Nova Scotia electric grid for charging. His calculations indicate that using an EV in Nova Scotia produces less GHG emissions than internal combustion vehicles even as Nova Scotia Power Inc. burns coal to generate electricity.

According to Nova Scotia Power’s 2020 emission intensity report, the utility emitted 629.7 grams of carbon (strictly speaking, carbon dioxide) for each kilowatt-hour (kWh) it sold me.  This means my car indirectly emits 11,020 grams of carbon per 100 km (17.5 X 629.7). On average, a Canadian car burns nine litres of gasoline per 100 km and each burned litre creates 2,300 grams of human habitat-killing carbon dioxide. This means the average fossil-burner directly emits 20,700 grams of carbon every 100 km (9 X 2,300). Put another way, my average EV emits just 53% of the carbon emitted by a fossil-burner. Yep, right here in Nova Scotia. And that number will get better as more hydro from Muskrat Falls gets into the energy mix. Nova Scotia Power has cut its emissions intensity by 30 per cent over the past 15 years and electric motors are about two and a half times more efficient than internal combustion engines. The same amount of energy that moves an ICEV 100 km drives my EV for 250 km.1

Graham Readfearn writes, in the Guardian, about a cut-and-paste attack on electric vehicle batteries and renewables that is spanning the globe. Unattributed extracts from an essay decrying renewables and electric vehicles are being used to undermine their environmental credentials.

Across social media, internet forums and some climate science denier blogs, there has been furious cutting-and-pasting of chunks of common text attacking the environmental credentials of electric vehicles, solar panels and wind turbines. "About 200 tonnes of the “Earth’s crust” needs to be mined for each electric vehicle battery, and 11 tonnes of brine are needed just for the lithium, claims the text, which also says solar panels and wind turbine blades can’t be recycled." Some claims are made definitively and without context, and don’t try to compare electric vehicle batteries to the fossil fuelled cars they are replacing. Solar panels can be recycled and fully recyclable turbine blades are now being produced. The former resources minister and Queensland senator Matt Canavan was another to share some of the text that sat above a picture of a hollowed-out landscape. It took a few seconds to discover the scary but irrelevant image was of a diamond mine in Canada.2

PumpTalk, a blog created by Petro-Canada, a Suncor business, shares information and engages in discussion about a number of topics, such as fuel efficiency and product responsibility.

Fuel Costs?


In November 2021, it published an Interview with Paul Raszewski, a realtor and the co-founder of TEVA – the Toronto Electric Vehicle Association, and David Bennetta, Suncor employee in Fort McMurray and an EV enthusiast, about making the EV Switch. Pump Talk asked for tips for drivers who are considering making the switch to an EV.

First, don’t be scared off by the cost. Even though the up-front cost is more expensive, the long-term cost is much better. Gasoline vs. electricity – you’ll save. No oil change, not as frequent brake service – the long term servicing costs are better. And second, look for an EV community who can give you support – they’re out there.3

As we consider the need to reduce our carbon footprint by moving to electric vehicles, it is important to look for information from credible sources published in recognised media.




Turpin,B. (March 30, 2022). Eat my electrons, CBC!. And Now This…. 


(2022, March 31). A cut-and-paste attack on electric vehicle batteries and renewables .... Retrieved April 2, 2022, from 


(2021, November 4). Making the EV Switch – Interviews with Paul Raszewski and David .... Retrieved November 26, 2021, from