Tuesday, November 3, 2020

A window of opportunity to raise taxes?

 Do governments have a window of opportunity to raise taxes? Antoine Genest-Grégoire, Luc Godbout, and Jean-Herman Guay found the opinion of individuals about future taxes is not driven by their current use of public programs.

opportunity for higher taxes?


 It seems that citizens form views about what the adequate level of taxation should be by thinking about society as a whole and not by making an individual cost-benefit analysis. This contradicts those that say that governments are “bribing their citizens with their own money.” Our results show that there is a political window of opportunity for higher taxes in exchange for better services, at least in the short term. They also show that citizens are more sophisticated than simply thinking about how much tax they pay and what kind of services they personally receive. Whether it is for a smaller or bigger state, if policy-makers are willing to articulate new visions about taxes, spending and society, citizens are likely willing to listen.1

Researchers conclude that Canadians will entertain paying more, if policy-makers articulate a coherent rationale.

And what discussion springs from this picture?

Nuns at opposing US political rallies


 1(2020, October 28). Do governments have a window of opportunity to raise taxes?. Retrieved November 2, 2020, from https://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/october-2020/do-governments-have-a-window-of-opportunity-to-raise-taxes/

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