Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How long will Nova Scotia pulp be attractive to Big Tissue

One of the difficult questions involved in the decisions about the Northern Pulp mill in Pictou County is connected to the ability of the mill to compete given changing demands from Big Tissue.
Nova Scotia softwoods

In response to criticism that U.S. plush toilet paper use is wiping out Canada's forests, Kimberly-Clark said it plans to cut virgin pulp content in half by 2025.
At the same time, spokesman Terry Balluck said, the company will increase “use of low-impact alternative and recycled fibres where credible analysis indicates that they are environmentally and socially preferable to other virgin fibre sources and do not lead to loss of necessary food crops or high conservation value ecosystems.”1
The producers of common household products such as tissue, towel and toilet paper, writing and photo copy paper and under increasing pressure to source the Northern Bleached Softwood Kraft (NBSK) they need from the cheapest and cleanest suppliers.


(2019, February 25). US plush toilet paper use wiping out Canada's forests, flushing. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from 

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