Thursday, October 10, 2019

Report Card on Climate Plans

Katharine Hayhoe, Canadian atmospheric scientist, and Andrew Leach an energy and environmental economist, have produced a report card on the climate plans of four federal parties for Macleans magazine.
October Report Card on Climate Plans

As a climate scientist, Katharine Hayhoe knows that the climate system doesn’t care how we cut emissions: but the science is clear that the faster we do so, the better off we’ll all be. As an economist, Andrew Leach has spent a lot of time thinking about how we can cut emissions through climate policies. He likes to view Canadian policies through a global lens. If the world acts as we do, would we reach our global goals? Today, that answer is mixed. If everyone in the world implemented our current policies, we’d see significant emissions reductions. But if everyone lived and used energy the way we do, we’d be in much deeper trouble.


(2019, October 3). The best and worst federal party climate plans, graded .... Retrieved October 9, 2019, from 

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