Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Migration worked for most Canadians… make it work for everyone

Let’s consider Four Items For The International Migrants Day and see how these factors may have been important in the migration story of our own ancestors to Canada.
Displaced Person's Story

The reason for James Macpherson to establish his family in Pictou County Nova Scotia in the 18th Century is probably described in the video at the end of this piece. Ewelina U. Ochab contributes an article to Forbes urging Understanding Not Fear.

December 18 marks the International Migrants Day. The 2018's International Migrants Day titled “Migration with Dignity” recognizes that “treating every migrant with dignity is one of the fundamental requirements we face before anything else we attempt on migration.”1

Msgr. Luc Van Looy, President of Caritas Europa advocates the the Global Compact between countries that are attempting to make migration work for everyone.

While respecting each state’s national sovereignty, the Global Compact is a non-binding instrument that fosters cooperation between countries of origin, transit and destination of migrants. It is based on the existing international human rights framework and the Sustainable Development Goals. Knowing that no state can act alone in the field of migration, we believe it strikes a good balance between the respect of migrants’ rights and the interests of receiving communities 2.

How can we work for people so they don’t have to leave? Is the question asked on THE CURRENT, hosted by Anna Maria Tremonti, to the MSF International President Dr Joanne Liu.3

Dr. Liu responds that personalized violence against your family forces people to become displaced.

The refugee crisis is global and each of us has a role to play.
Four Items to Consider

With your support, Development and Peace reaches communities affected by forced migration.

What is the story of migration in your family history?


1 (2018, December 17). For The International Migrants Day - Understanding Not Fear - Forbes. Retrieved December 18, 2018, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/ewelinaochab/2018/12/17/for-the-international-migrants-day-understanding-not-fear/

2 (2018, December 17). Caritas Europa: Let's make migration work for everyone. Retrieved December 18, 2018, from https://www.europeaninterest.eu/article/caritas-europa-lets-make-migration-work-everyone/

3 Let’s make migration work for everyone https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent

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