Friday, July 20, 2018

Economy, Environment, and Ecclesia present plans for Climate action

Reports of storms, floods, fires and coastal erosion appear more frequently in our media.
Coastal erosion

The cost of mitigating the effects of these events and restoring infrastructure is very high. This article identifies the plans of some economists, politicians and Church leaders to convert us to action to reduce future costs.

The Guardian reports that eleven teams in a recent Stanford Energy Modeling Forum found that carbon tax is effective at reducing carbon pollution.
Economic analyses consistently show that cutting carbon pollution will benefit the economy, and that a revenue-neutral carbon tax is an efficient way of accomplishing that goal. That’s why there’s a 95% consensus among economists that the US government should commit to cutting carbon pollution, with 81% favoring a market-based solution like a carbon tax.
In an interview on the CBC program, As It Happens, Catherine McKenna calls out politicians who don’t have a climate plan.
Look, I'm here to work with Canadians to find solutions to one of the biggest challenges we face, which is climate change. Unfortunately, it seems that Conservative governments are not committed to climate action.
The Catholic Climate Covenant has prepared resources to assist people interested in the Church plans for the process of conversion called for by Pope Francis in our attitude and action in relation to our Common Home, the Earth.
Catholic Climate Covenant is dedicated to helping all answer the Church's call to care for creation, both through prayer and through action. This resource library contains prayers, study guides, and inspiring videos for your perusal. We ask that you use them to better understand the Church's stance on climate change, and to create your own plan of action for making changes in your day-to-day life. Choose from one of the categories below to see the resources in that section.
Economy, Environment, and Ecclesia form important overlapping roles in our efforts to provide sustainable living for future generations.
Economy, Environment, and Ecclesia


(2018, July 16). Comprehensive study: carbon taxes won't hamper the economy .... Retrieved July 19, 2018, from

(2018, July 19). 'They don't have a climate plan': Catherine McKenna calls out new .... Retrieved July 20, 2018, from

(n.d.). Resources - Catholic Climate Covenant. Retrieved July 20, 2018, from

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