Wednesday, April 4, 2018

In Canada, can a Liberal prime minister be considered an ideological dictator?

Fr. Raymond J. de Souza claims some justification for this assertion.
Strong words, condemning a Liberal prime minister for being an ideological dictator. And to do so in America, an internationally read Catholic periodical of the theological and political left, adds to the sting.
Fr. Raymond J. de Souza wrote his article,” Sorry, Mr. Trudeau. We won’t ‘just check the box.’ “ in America Magazine (2018, March 20). Fr. Raymond J. de Souza also seems to be perplexed by the overly complicated method used by Trudeau to achieve the Government goal of separating summer students from work that might be in opposition to the Liberal reproductive rights policy.
Instead of focusing on what summer jobs money would pay young people to do, Mr. Trudeau’s government has made an issue of what the organizations that apply for the funds believe. Wouldn’t it have made more sense for the government to meet with faith groups and inform them that some past recipients of the grants have been problematic?
The “values test” contained in the ‘just check the box’ attestation connected with the summer jobs program
Choosing a troublesome path?

is a reminder to Canadians of the ideological policy directives of the Harper government.


(2018, April 3). Fr. Raymond J. De Souza: Rosica pulls back curtain on 'a new .... Retrieved April 4, 2018, from

(2018, March 20). Sorry, Mr. Trudeau. We won't 'just check the box.' | America Magazine. Retrieved April 4, 2018, from

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